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Welcome to Crate of Soap

I have many passions and making soap is one of them. First is my relationship with God, my family and my church. After that it’s making soap! 

I fell in love the first time I picked up a bar of handmade soap and it became a hobby of mine to search out natural soaps. Every bar I came across I just had to have. (for know :)

After years of buying other crafters handmade soap my husband asked me why I didn't just make it myself? 

And so I did. In 2010, I began to create and perfect my soap recipe and Crate of Soap was established. My husband was actually the one to name my business and to come up with the idea of displaying them in crates at artisan fairs and shows. 

I hope that you will see my love for this all natural - skin loving product in my shop and try a bar for yourself. I only wish that you could smell it too!

Until next time, I'm going to make soap :)



* I make my soap in small batches to ensure quality and care goes into each bar.